

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 20/1

    Posted on 2024-04-04

    Call for papers for issue 20/1

    Psychological findings for university teaching

    Editors:  Immanuel Ulrich (Frankfurt am Main), Carla Bohndick (Hamburg), Josef Buchner (St. Gallen), Roland Grabner (Graz), Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus (Berlin), Martina Mörth (Berlin) & Tobias Ringeisen (Berlin)

    Date of publication: March 2025

    Submission deadline for complete articles is September 30, 2024.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 19/1 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2024-03-28

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 19/1 (March 2024) on "Digital Competences – The Role these ‚Future Skills‘ play in Higher Education: Definition and Relevance, Assessment and Promotion", edited by Pascale Stephanie Petri, René Krempkow, Martin Ebner & Barbara Getto.

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 20/SH KI

    Posted on 2024-02-19

    Call for papers for special issue 20/SH KI

    Künstliche Intelligenz in der forschungsgeleiteten Hochschullehre

    Editors: Tanja Jadin, Ortrun Gröblinger, Gerhard Brandhofer & Michael Raunig

    Date of publication: February 2025

    Submission deadline for complete articles is August 26, 2024.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 19/4

    Posted on 2024-01-17

    Call for papers for issue 19/4

    Studying with digital study assistance systems

    Editors: Maren Lübcke (Hannover), Johannes Schrumpf (Osnabrück), Katharina Schurz (Osnabrück), Funda Seyfeli-Özhizalan (Hannover), Tobias Thelen (Osnabrück), Klaus Wannemacher (Hannover), Felix Weber (Osnabrück)

    Date of publication: December 2024

    Submission deadline for complete articles is June 17, 2024.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 18/Special Issue Research of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2023-11-29

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 18/Special Issue Research (November 2023) on "Digitalisierung in der Forschung – Projekte österreichischer Hochschulen 2020–2024", edited by Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi & Susanne Blumesberger.

    About the issue:

    The Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF) has allocated a total of 50 million euros in funding to 34 projects chosen through a rigorous review process as part of the nationwide call for proposals „Projects for Digital and Social Transformation in the Higher Education Sector“ in 2020. The funding is designated for innovative collaborative projects expected to bring about a lasting impact on the higher education system by 2024.

    The journal ZFHE is providing an avenue for these projects to share their outcomes and insights with a broad academic audience through three special issues in an open-access publication format. These issues specifically focus on the three realms of digitization projects: teaching, research, and administration. The current emphasis is on projects related to research.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 19/2

    Posted on 2023-10-06

    Call for papers for issue 19/2

    Contributions of academic continuing education to higher education development

    Editors: Peter Schlögl (University of Klagenfurt), Attila Pausits and Monika Kil (University of Continuing Education Krems)

    Date of publication: June 2024

    Submission deadline for complete articles is January 12, 2024.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: Sonderausgabe Digitalisierung in der Administration (invitation only)

    Posted on 2023-06-02

    Call zur Sonderausgabe Digitalisierung (invitation only)

    "Digitalisierung in der Administration – Projekte österreichischer Hochschulen 2020–2024"

    Herausgeberinnen: Elisabeth Rieger (Technische Universität Graz), Lea Watzinger (Universität Graz)
    Erscheinungstermin: Jänner 2024

    Die Deadline zur Einreichung von vollständigen Beiträgen ist der 31. Juli 2023.

    Nähere Informationen im Call (HTML / PDF)

  • Extended Call for papers for issue 18/3

    Posted on 2023-05-15

    Extended Call for papers for issue 18/3

    "Hochschulbildung der Zukunft"

    Editors: Christian Wassmer, Katharina Sommer, Elena Wilhelm, Carole Probst (Winterthur)
    Publication date: Oktober 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles (in German or English) is June 30., 2023.

    Nähere Informationen im Call (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 18/Special Issue Higher Education of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2023-04-30

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 18/Special Issue Higher Education (April 2023) on "Digitalisierung der Hochschullehre – Projekte österreichischer Hochschulen 2020–2024", edited by Martin Ebner & Charlotte Zwiauer.


    About the issue:

    As part of the Austria-wide call for "Projects for digital and social transformation in higher education" of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), a total of 50 million euros in funding was awarded in 2020 for in summary 34 projects. Funding is provided for forward-looking cooperative projects that aim to have a structurally transformative effect on Higher Education within their duration until 2024. This edition now offers the projects from the field of Higher Education the opportunity to make their project results and experiences accessible to a broad audience. In addition, it presents the extent to which the respective project contributes to the digital and social transformation of Austrian higher education and thus creates added value for the Austrian higher education landscape.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 19/3

    Posted on 2023-04-24

    Call for papers for issue 19/3

    Student Participation

    Editors: Peter Tremp (Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern), Mandy Schiefner-Rohs (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau) & Sandra Hofhues (FernUniversität Hagen)
    Date of publication: March 2024

    Submission deadline for complete articles is June 26, 2024.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 19/1

    Posted on 2023-04-19

    Call for papers for issue 19/1

    Digital Competences – The Role these “Future Skills” play in Higher Education: Definition and Relevance, Assessment and Promotion

    Editors: Pascale Stephanie Petri (Gießen), René Krempkow (Berlin), Martin Ebner (Graz), Bernadette Spieler (Zürich) & Barbara Getto (Zürich)
    Date of publication: March 2024

    Submission deadline for complete articles is October 27, 2023.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 18/1 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2023-03-27

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 18/1 (March 2023) on "Massive Open Online Courses und ihre Rolle in der digitalen (Hochschul-)Lehre", edited by Martin Ebner, Thomas Staubitz, Markus Koschutnig-Ebner & Sebastian Serth.


    About the issue:

    Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs for short, are online courses with a large number of participants that are usually made available free of charge on special platforms. Starting with Sebastian Thrun’s course on artificial intelligence with more than 160,000 participants, MOOCs became increasingly popular. Particularly since the COVID19 pandemic, they have become an indispensable part of university life and often are an integral part of university courses. MOOCs serve in a broad range of various ways to support continuing education, workshops or joint lectures. This issue of ZFHE called for contributions around MOOCs and thus provides insights into the manifold developments. In the current issue, you will find exciting contributions with experience reports, latest findings, further developments and didactic applications. We invite you to join us in further exploring this innovative, promising and sustainable topic.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit

  • Call for Papers: Special issue Digitalisierung in der Forschung (invitation only)

    Posted on 2023-03-06

    Call zur Sonderausgabe Digitalisierung (invitation only)

    "Digitalisierung in der Forschung – Projekte österreichischer Hochschulen 2020–2024"

    Editors: Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi (Technische Universität Graz) und Susanne Blumesberger (Universität Wien)
    Publication date: November 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles is July 21, 2023.

    Nähere Informationen im Call (HTML / PDF)

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 18/4

    Posted on 2023-02-06

    Call for papers for issue 18/4

    Sustainable higher education teaching – Sustainable higher educational institution

    Editors: Ines Deibl, Maria Tulis & Patrick Warto (University of Salzburg)
    Date of publication: December 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles is June 23, 2023.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 17/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2022-12-14

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 17/4 (December 2022) on "Hochschulzugang und Studium nicht-traditioneller Studierender – Die Situation in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz", edited by Walburga Katharina Freitag, Christian Kerst & Jessica Ordemann.


    About the issue:

    Providing access to higher education and establishing a conducive framework for lifelong learning are important goals of the European Higher Education Area. In the D-A-CH countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), the group of  “non-traditional students” includes graduates of technical and vocational training without a school-based university entrance qualification, employees, family workers and “learners in later life”. Based on current data, and operating from the perspective of diversity and inequality theory, the papers in this issue examine university access regulations, students’ time budgets, the effects of care responsibility, and student dropouts, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. Papers also discuss a learning program conducted at sea, as well as new ways potential educators can access teacher education opportunities for technical and vocational schools. The contributions represent deep dives in what is still an emerging field.


    In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit

  • Issue 17/3 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2022-10-31

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 17/3 (October 2022) on " Akademische Kultur und Wissenschaftsfreiheit angesichts der Digitalisierung von Lehren und Lernen", edited by Ines Langemeyer, Ernst Schraube & Peter Tremp.


    About the issue:

    University learning and teaching, conversations during study, artificial intelligence, plagiarism, and academic freedom are questions under which the contributions of this special issue address the transformations of academic culture in the face of digitalization. What is in transformation, however, has not stopped to be in transformation. In constructivist terms, the authors take the chance of a second-order observation. Whether we are only in a transitory stage or have already reached another stage of development, depends also on the awareness with which we engage in the processes of digitalization. The volume presents ideas how to rethink the challenges of the future from new angles and contributes to the scientific examination of ad hoc digitalization during the pandemic

    In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 18/3

    Posted on 2022-08-28

    Call for papers for issue 18/1

    The future of higher education

    Editors: Christian Wassmer, Katharina Sommer, Elena Wilhelm, Carole Probst (Winterthur)
    Date of publication: October 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles is May 31, 2023.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 18/2

    Posted on 2022-08-05

    Call for papers for issue 18/1

    Campus-Community Partnerships: partnerships between higher education and society

    Editors: Peter Slepcevic-Zach (University of Graz), Claudia Fahrenwald (University of Education Upper Austria), Katharina Resch (University of Vienna)
    Date of publication: June 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles is January 16, 2023.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: Special issue Digitalisierung (invitation only)

    Posted on 2022-07-19

    Call zur Sonderausgabe Digitalisierung (invitation only)

    "Digitalisierung der Hochschullehre – Projekte österreichischer Hochschulen 2020–2024"

    Editors: Martin Ebner (TU Graz) und Charlotte Zwiauer (Universität Wien)
    Publication date: April 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles is November 14, 2022.

    Nähere Informationen im Call (HTML / PDF)

  • Issue 17/2 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2022-06-29

    A new issue of the Journal for Higher Education Development has been published. As an open-topic edition, issue 17/2 (June 2022), titled "Contributions to Higher Education Development", is edited by René Krempkow, Elena Wilhelm and Olaf Zawacki-Richter.

    About the issue:

    This issue consists entirely of free contributions resulting from an open call for papers. This is a first for the ZFHE and was enabled by the significant increase in submissions for free papers in recent years. The 15 articles can nevertheless be roughly divided into three thematic clusters, according to which the issue is structured: "Individualisation, competence orientation and new forms of teaching and learning", "Social and academic inclusion" and "Staff qualification and development". With such a thematic breadth, we are optimistic that every reader will find something of personal interest. We wish you an inspiring read and a relaxing summer!

    In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE Special issue

    Posted on 2022-06-09

    Call for papers special issue

    "Simulation games in teaching at universities"

    Editors: Julia Schwanholz & Anne Goldmann (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
    Publication date: April 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles (in German or English) is October 3, 2022.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Extended Call for Papers: ZFHE 17/4

    Posted on 2022-06-08

    Extended Call for papers for issue 17/4

    "University Access and Study of Non-Traditional Students: The Situation in Austria, Germany and Switzerland"

    Editors: Walburga Freitag (Hannover), Christian Kerst (Hannover), Jessica Ordemann (Hannover)
    Publication date: December 2022

    Submission deadline for complete articles (in German or English) is July 22, 2022.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 17/1 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2022-03-30

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 17/1 (March 2022) on "Prüfen im Kontext kompetenzorientierter Hochschulbildung", edited by Karin Sonnleitner and Martin Gartmeier.

    About the Issue:

    Examinations are a central part of the everyday life of teachers and students at colleges and universities. Consequently, examinations must also be considered in the discussion around the quality of teaching and learning. Competency-based testing at universities means addressing the question of whether students have developed competencies in a way that enables them to solve relevant problems. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many instructors have been forced to restructure their teaching and use online formats for exams as well. As a result, long-virulent scholarly discourses about online teaching and online exams have gained new momentum and poignancy. In 13 contributions, the authors deal with the theoretical foundations of different examination formats and refer to practical examples from different disciplines.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 18/1

    Posted on 2022-02-09

    Call for papers for issue 18/1

    Massive Open Online Courses and their role in digital teaching at universities

    Editors: Markus Ebner (TU Graz), Martin Ebner (TU Graz), Stefanie Schweiger (HPI Potsdam), Sebastian Serth (HPI Potsdam), Thomas Staubitz (HPI Potsdam)
    Publication date: March 2023

    Submission deadline for complete articles is October 28, 2022.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 16/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2021-12-19

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 16/4 (December 2021) on "Studierbarkeit und Studienerfolg – zwischen Konzepten, Analysen und Steuerungspraxis", edited by René Krempkow, Oliver Vettori and Imke Buß.

    About the Issue:

    Studyability and academic success have been among the most discussed topics around teaching and studying at universities in German-speaking countries since the so-called Bologna Process gained momentum. In particular, ensuring studyability is increasingly demanded in higher education policy and accreditation, whereby discussions on (factors influencing) study success are also repeatedly referred to. At the same time, there is still no consensus on concepts, analytical approaches, and appropriate control approaches. The 14 contributions in this issue are devoted to these topics. The assembled selection of submissions thus reflects the broad spectrum of submissions of conceptual as well as empirical contributions, as well as reports from practice, each of which can contribute in its own way and overall to further higher education development.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 17/4

    Posted on 2021-12-02

    Call for papers for issue 17/4

    University Access and Study of Non-Traditional Students: The Situation in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

    Editors: Walburga Freitag (Hannover), Christian Kerst (Hannover), Jessica Ordemann (Hannover)
    Publication date: December 2022

    Submission deadline for complete articles is June 20, 2022.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 16/3 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2021-10-29

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 16/3 (October 2021) on "Cultivating a culture of experimentation in higher-education teaching and learning", edited by Robert Kordts, Dietrich Wagner, Claudio Sidler, Karen Tinsner-Fuchs, Bernadette Dilger & Taiga Brahm.

    About the issue:

    How will the experience of COVID-related online teaching play out in the future? What are the possibilities for cultural change in higher education teaching and learning outside the crisis? This volume brings together nine international contributions that examine current developments at different levels (students, courses, institution) and with different methodological approaches.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 17/3

    Posted on 2021-10-27

    Call for papers for issue 17/3

    Academic Culture and Freedom in the Face of the Digitalization of Teaching and Learning

    Editors: Ines Langemeyer (Karlsruhe), Ernst Schraube (Roskilde) & Peter Tremp (Luzern)
    Publication date: October 2022

    Submission deadline for complete articles is July 4, 2022.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 17/2

    Posted on 2021-10-15

    Call for papers for issue 17/2

    Open Issue – Free Contributions

    Editors: René Krempkow (Berlin), Elena Wilhelm (Zurich), & Olaf Zawacki-Richter (Oldenburg)
    Publication date: June 2022

    Submission deadline for complete articles is January 14, 2022.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 17/1

    Posted on 2021-07-06

    Call for papers for issue 17/1

    "Prüfen im Kontext kompetenzorientierter Hochschulbildung"

    Editors: Karin Sonnleitner (Graz) & Martin Gartmeier (München)
    Publication date: March 2022

    Submission deadline for complete articles is October 31, 2021.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 16/1 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2021-03-29

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 16/1 (March 2021) on "Effectiveness of instructional interventions in higher education", edited by Jan Elen and Manfred Prenzel.

    Answering the question of effectiveness of educational interventions is no easy task for a multitude of reasons. The effectiveness of an intervention depends not only on the intervention itself but also, for example, on the target group, the available infrastructure, the current legislation, the time of implementation or the expertise of the teachers. This special issue shows the diversity in the goals pursued and the interventions used to achieve them. It also shows methodological differences in effectiveness research and argues the need for nuanced interpretation and for explicitly considering the context for the intervention.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Issue 15/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2020-12-18

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 15/4 (December 2020) on "Promoting educational development, rewarding excellence in teaching", edited by Gabi Reinmann and Peter Tremp.

    In addition to the online version, the issue is available as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 16/4

    Posted on 2020-12-04

    Call for papers for issue 16/4

    "Studierbarkeit and Academic Success –
    between Concepts, Analyses and Management Practice"

    Editors: René Krempkow (Berlin), Oliver Vettori (Vienna) & Imke Buß (Ludwigshafen)
    Publication date: December 2021

    Submission deadline for complete articles is June 25, 2021.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 15/3 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2020-10-30

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 15/3 (October 2020) on "Diversität an Hochschulen – Chancen und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu exzellenten und inklusiven Hochschulen", edited by Regina Aichinger, Frank Linde and Nicole Auferkorte-Michaelis.

    In addition to the online version, the issue is available as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Extended Call for Papers: ZFHE 16/3

    Posted on 2020-10-05

    Extended Call for papers for issue 16/3

    "Cultivating a culture of experimentation in higher-education teaching and learning: Evaluation of recent experiences and transfer to the new-normal"

    Editors: Robert Kordts-Freudinger, Dietrich Wagner, Claudio Sidler, Karen Tinsner-Fuchs, Bernadette Dilger (St. Gallen) & Taiga Brahm (Tübingen)
    Publication date: October 2021

    Submission deadline for complete articles (in German or English) is July 5, 2021.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 15/2 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2020-06-19

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 15/2 (June) on "Forschendes Lernen im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaftsorientierung und Berufsbezug", edited by Harald A. Mieg and Peter Tremp.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see


  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 16/2

    Posted on 2020-06-15

    Call for papers for issue 16/2

    "The Digital Turn in Internationalization. Concepts, strategies and practices"

    Editors: Svenja Bedenlier (Erlangen-Nuremberg) & Elisa Bruhn (Bonn)
    Publication date: June 2021

    Submission deadline for complete articles is January 15, 2021.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 16/1

    Posted on 2020-03-30

    Call for papers for issue 16/1

    "Effectiveness of instructional interventions in higher education"

    Editors: Manfred Prenzel (University of Vienna) & Jan Elen (KU Leuven)
    Publication date: March 2021

    Submission deadline for complete articles is October 16, 2020.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).


  • Issue 15/1 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2020-03-24

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 15/1 (March 2020) on "Forschungsperspektiven auf Digitalisierung in Hochschulen", edited by Sandra Hofhues, Mandy Schiefner-Rohs, Sandra Aßmann and Taiga Brahm.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 15/3

    Posted on 2020-01-22

    Call for papers for issue 15/3

    "Diversität an Hochschulen – Chancen und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu exzellenten und inklusiven Hochschulen"

    Editors: Regina Aichinger (FH OÖ), Frank Linde (TH Köln), Nicole Auferkorte-Michaelis (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
    Publication date: October 2020

    Submission deadline for complete articles is May 15, 2020.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers: ZFHE 15/4

    Posted on 2019-12-18

    Call for papers for issue 15/4

    "Promoting educational development, rewarding excellence in teaching"

    Editors: Gabi Reinmann (Hamburg) & Peter Tremp (Lucerne)
    Date of publication: December 2020

    Submission deadline for complete articles is June 26, 2020.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 14/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2019-12-16

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 14/4 (December 2019) on "Hochschuldidaktik der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung", edited by Eva Cendon, Uwe Elsholz and Anita Mörth.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Issue 14/3 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2019-11-15

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 14/3 (November 2019) on "Flexibles Lernen an Hochschulen gestalten", edited by Claude Müller, Petra Barthelmess, Christian Berger, Gunther Kucza, Maximilian Müller and Philipp Sieber (ZHAW).

    In addition to the online version, the issue is available as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 15/2

    Posted on 2019-08-09

    Call for papers for issue 15/2

    "Forschendes Lernen im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaftsorientierung und Berufsbezug"

    Editors: Harald A. Mieg (Berlin) & Peter Tremp (Luzern)
    Publication date: June 2020

    Submission deadline for complete articles is January 24, 2020.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 15/1

    Posted on 2019-03-11

    Call for papers for issue 15/1

    "Forschungsperspektiven auf Digitalisierung in Hochschulen"

    Editors: Sandra Hofhues (Köln), Mandy Schiefner-Rohs (Kaiserslautern), Sandra Aßmann (Bochum) & Taiga Brahm (Tübingen)
    Publication date: March 2020

    Submission deadline for complete articles is September 30, 2019.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 14/3

    Posted on 2019-01-30

    Call for papers for special issue 14/3

    "Flexibles Lernen an Hochschulen gestalten"

    Guest editors: Claude Müller, Petra Barthelmess, Christian Berger, Gunther Kucza, Maximilian Müller & Philipp Sieber (ZHAW)
    Publication date: November 2019

    Submission deadline for complete articles is June 15, 2019.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 13/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2018-12-20

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 13/4 (Dezember 2018) on "Über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Aufnahmeverfahrenim Hochschulbereich", edited by Martin Arendasy, Gisela Kriegler-Kastelic and Dennis Mocigemba.

    In addition to the online version, the issue is available as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 14/4

    Posted on 2018-12-10

    Call for papers for issue 14/4

    "Hochschuldidaktik der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung"

    Guest editors: Eva Cendon, Uwe Elsholz & Anita Mörth (FernUniversität in Hagen)
    Publication date: December 2019

    Submission deadline for abstracts is March 22 and (if invited to submit complete articles) July 12, 2019.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 14/2

    Posted on 2018-11-19

    Call for papers for issue 14/2

    "Open Education in the Context of Digital Transformation"

    Editors: Olaf Zawacki-Richter (University of Oldenburg) & Marco Kalz (Heidelberg University of Education)
    Publication date: June 2019

    Submission deadline for complete articles is February 15, 2019.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 13/2 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2018-06-18

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 13/2 (June 2018) on "Civic Engagement in Higher Education Institutions in Europe", edited by Karl-Heinz Gerholz, Holger Backhaus-Maul and Paul Rameder.

    This special issue about Civic Engagement in Higher Education Institutions in Europe presents workshop reports and scientific papers which have an implicit statement in common: we need to talk concrete and analytical about Civic Engagement activities, approaches and programs on a European and national level without celebrating only normative believes and visions. The contributions describe the starting point of a new field of empirical and theory oriented research.

    In addition to the online version, the issue is available as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 14/1

    Posted on 2018-06-12

    Call for papers for issue 14/1

    "University-wide Integration of Research and Education to Benefit Student Learning"

    Editors: Didi Griffioen (Amsterdam UAS) & Jan Elen (KU Leuven)
    Publication date: March 2019

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 29th October 2018.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 13/4

    Posted on 2018-04-23

    Call for papers for issue 13/4

    "Über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Aufnahmeverfahren im Hochschulbereich"

    Guest editors: Martin Arendasy (University of Graz), Gisela Kriegler-Kastelic (University of Vienna) & Dennis Mocigemba (Universität Marburg)
    Publication date: December 2018

    (The new) Submission deadline for complete articles is 27th July 2018.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 13/1 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2018-03-07

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 13/1 (March 2018) on "Evidenzorientierte Qualitätsentwicklung in der Hochschullehre: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen", edited by Gerda Hagenauer, Doris Ittner, Roman Suter and Thomas Tribelhorn.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 13/3

    Posted on 2017-12-19

    Call for papers for issue 13/3

    "Institutionelle Differenzierung und Profilbildung im Hochschulbereich"

    Editors: Dieter Euler (University of St. Gallen) & Barbara Sporn (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
    Publication date: October 2018

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 6th April 2018.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 12/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2017-12-15

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 12/4 (December 2017) on "Internationalization of curricula", edited by Hiltraud Casper-Hehne and Tanja Reiffenrath. The issue comprises tree papers in German, seven in English and also two free articles.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Issue 12/3 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2017-10-13

     The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 12/3 (October 2017) on "Reclaiming Quality Development: Forschung über Lehre und Studium als Teil der Qualitätsentwicklung", edited by Isabel Steinhardt, Philipp Pohlenz and Marianne Merkt.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 13/2

    Posted on 2017-07-11

    Call for papers for issue 13/2

    "Civic Engagement in Higher Education Institutions in Europe"

    Guest editors: Karl-Heinz Gerholz (University of Bamberg), Holger Backhaus-Maul (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) & Paul Rameder (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
    Publication date: June 2018

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 10th January 2018.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTMLPDF).

  • Issue 12/2 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2017-06-23

     The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: issue 12/2 (June 2017) on "Structuring Doctoral Education", edited by Alexandra Bitusikova, Lucy Johnston, Brigitte Lehmann, Rebekah Smith McGloin & Lucas Zinner.

    The aim of this issue is to contribute to the research discourse on the impact of structuring and thus professionalizing doctoral education at all levels. The papers showcase a limited number of specific initiatives in their early stages. They are case-study examples of new approaches to doctoral education. As such they make a small contribution to our understanding of a complex and changing picture which is shaped and re-shaped at an institutional, national and international level by changing policy imperatives, goals, objectives, stakeholders and players.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see

  • Issue 12/1 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2017-03-29

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) was just published: issue 12/1 (March 2017) on "Learning Analytics: Implications for Higher Education", edited by Wolfgang Greller & Ulrich Hoppe.

    This special issue gathers recent experiences and research examples concerning the use of Learning Analytics in higher education contexts of online and blended learning. All featured articles span across technically enabled data collection and processing/analysis, on the one hand, and, pedagogically motivated decision making by learners, teachers and other stakeholders on the other.

    In addition to the online version, the issue will be available soon as a print publication in bookstores (see Print).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 13/1

    Posted on 2017-01-30

    Call for papers for issue 13/1

    "Evidenzorientierte Qualitätsentwicklung in der Hochschullehre:
    Chancen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen"

    Guest editors: Gerda Hagenauer, Doris Ittner, Roman Suter & Thomas Tribelhorn (Universität Bern)
    Publication date: March 2018

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 31st July 2017 (Abstracts due March 15th 2017).

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTMLPDF, in German only).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 12/4

    Posted on 2016-12-19

    Call for papers for issue 12/4

    "Internationalization of curricula"

    Guest editors: Tanja Reiffenrath, Hiltraud Casper-Hehne (Universität Göttingen)
    Publication date: December 2017

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 19th June 2017.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTMLPDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 12/3

    Posted on 2016-09-16

    Call for papers for issue 12/3
    "Reclaiming Quality Development: Forschung über Lehre und Studium als Teil der Qualitätsentwicklung"

    Guest editors: Marianne Merkt (Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal), Philipp Pohlenz (Universität Magdeburg) & Isabel Steinhardt (INCHER Kassel)
    Publication date: September 2017

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 17th March 2017.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF, in German).

  • Issue 11/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2016-08-12

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) was just published: issue 11/4 (August 2016) on "Seamless Learning - Lernen überall und jederzeit", edited by Herwig Rehatschek, Ursula Leopold, Martin Ebner, Michael Kopp, Patrick Schweighofer, Manfred Rechberger, Martin Teufel & Anastasia Sfiri.

    In addition to the online version, the issue is available as a print publication in bookstores (see Publications).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 12/2

    Posted on 2016-07-08

    Call for papers for issue 12/2
    "Structuring Doctoral Education"

    Guest editors: Alexandra Bitusikova (Matej Bel University), Lucy Johnston (University of Newcastle), Brigitte Lehmann (Humboldt Graduate School in Berlin), Rebekah Smith McGloin (University of Coventry) & Lucas Zinner (University of Vienna, Austria)
    Publication date: June 2016

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 28th October 2016.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 12/1

    Posted on 2016-05-13

    Call for papers for issue 12/1
    "Learning Analytics: Implications for Higher Education"

    Guest editors: Wolfgang Greller (University College of Teacher Education, Vienna), Ulrich Hoppe (University of Duisburg-Essen) & Hendrik Drachsler (Open University of the Netherlands)
    Publication date: February 2016

    Extended submission deadline for complete articles is 30th June 2016.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Issue 10/4 of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung published

    Posted on 2015-12-16

    The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) was just published: issue 10/4 (December 2015) on "Enculturation and development of beginning students" was supervised by Tobias Jenert (St. Gallen), Liisa Postareff (Helsinki), Taiga Brahm (St. Gallen) & Sari Lindblom-Ylänne (Helsinki).

    Starting with this issue, the ZFHE will publish one English-speaking edition per year on a topic of international interest, in order to disseminate German-language research results beyond our borders and to encourage discussion in an international context. This first English-language edition focuses on the experiences and the academic socialization of first-year university students. The articles offer both diagnoses and differentiations in terms of different types of first-year students, as well as highlighting their experiences and development during their introduction to the academic environment and examining connections between their academic development and the existing educational environment.

    In addition to the online version, the issue is available as a print publication in bookstores (see Publications).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 11/5

    Posted on 2015-09-11

    Call for papers for issue 11/5
    "Development and Socialization of Academics"

    Guest editors: Mònica Feixas (Universität St. Gallen), Ann Stes (University of Antwerp), Gerlese Åkerlind (Australian National University & University of Canberra) & Georgeta Ion (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
    Publication date: September 2016

    Extended submission deadline for complete articles is 11th March 2016.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 11/4

    Posted on 2015-08-31

    Call for papers for special issue 11/4
    "Seamless Learning – Lernen überall und jederzeit"

    Guest editors: Herwig Rehatschek, Ursula Leopold (Medizinische Universität Graz), Martin Ebner (Technische Universität Graz), Michael Kopp (Universität Graz), Patrick Schweighofer (CAMPUS 02), Manfred Rechberger (Kunstuniversität Graz), Martin Teufel (Pädagogische Hochschule Graz) & Anastasia Sfiri (FH Joanneum)
    Publication date: September 2016

    Extended submission deadline for complete articles is 6th April 2016.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 11/2

    Posted on 2015-07-30

    Call for papers for issue 11/2
    "Curriculare Aspekte von Schreib- und Forschungskompetenz"

    Guest editors: Ursula Doleschal (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt), Stefanie Haacke (Universität Bielefeld), Otto Kruse (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften) & Charlotte Zwiauer (Universität Wien)
    Publication date: May 2016

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 15th November 2015.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 11/3

    Posted on 2015-04-22

    Call for papers for special issue 11/3
    "Problem-based Learning - Kompetenzen fördern, Zukunft gestalten"

    Guest editors: Claude Müller (ZHAW), Monika Schäfer (Careum) & Geri Thomann (PH Zürich)
    Publication date: June 2016

    Submission deadline for complete articles is 30th September 2015.

    Details and more information in the announcement (HTML / PDF).

  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 11/1

    Posted on 2015-04-22

    Call zum Themenheft 11/1
    "LehrerInnenbildung im Fluss"

    Gastherausgeber: Bernhard Gritsch (Kunstuniversität Graz), Bardo Herzig (Universität Paderborn) & Christian Reintjes (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz)
    Erscheinungstermin: Januar 2016

    Deadline zur Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags ist der 31. August 2015.

    Nähere Informationen im Call (HTML / PDF).
  • Ausgabe 10/1 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2015-03-30

    Eine neue Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) wurde soeben veröffentlicht: Das Themenheft 10/1 (März 2015) trägt den Titel "Künstlerische Forschung an Hochschulen und Universitäten - zwischen Idee, Skizze und Realisierung" und wurde von Ulf Bästlein (Graz), Karen van den Berg (Friedrichshafen), Doris Carstensen (Wien), Alexander Damianisch (Wien), Julie Harboe (Luzern), Bettina Henkel (Wien) und Andre Zogholy (Linz) betreut. Der Bereich der künstlerischen Forschung bleibt im Vergleich zu anderen Forschungs- und Lehrtraditionen ein noch sehr neues Feld und eine Inspirationsquelle für die gesamte Forschungslandschaft. Die notwendigerweise große Methodenvielfalt künstlerischer Forschung wirkt an vielen Stellen heute bereits befruchtend für die Entwicklung neuer Forschungspraktiken in verschiedensten Disziplinen. Mit dem Call for Papers der ZFHE für das Themenheft "Künstlerische Forschung", dessen Ergebnisse hier nun vorliegen, wurde vor diesem Hintergrund der Versuch unternommen, Einblicke in diese Forschungs- und Lehrpraxis zu bieten und auszugsweise zu zeigen, welche Projekte, Forschungsansätze und Lehrformate sich hier gegenwärtig erkennen lassen und mit welchen Mitteln und Zielsetzungen sie operieren.

    Die Ausgabe ist neben der Online-Version auch wieder als Printpublikation im Buchhandel erhältlich (z. B. unter

  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 10/4

    Posted on 2015-01-29

    Call zum (englischsprachigen) Themenheft 10/4
    "Enculturation and development of beginning students"

    Gastherausgeber/innen: Tobias Jenert, Liisa Postareff, Taiga Brahm & Sari Lindblom-Ylänne (Universität St. Gallen und University of Helsinki)
    Erscheinungstermin: November 2015

    Deadline zur Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags ist der 5. Juli 2015.

    Nähere Informationen: Call
  • Ausgabe 9/5 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2014-12-19

    Die neueste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) wurde soeben unter veröffentlicht: Das Themenheft 9/5 (Dezember 2014) befasst sich mit dem "Übergang Schule-Hochschule" und wird von Andrea Frank (Bielefeld), Dennis Mocigemba (Freiburg) & Charlotte Zwiauer (Wien) herausgegeben. Die Ausgabe deckt mit elf Beiträgen ein breites Themenspektrum mit unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, inhaltlichen Fragestellungen und methodischen Zugängen zum Thema "Übergang Schule-Hochschule" ab. Die Fülle an nachahmenswerten Maßnahmen zur Gestaltung des Übergangs ist nicht nur imposant, sondern verweist darauf, dass die Integration von Einzelmaßnahmen zu einem sinnvollen Gesamtkonzept für Hochschulen eine große institutionelle Herausforderung darstellt. Mit der Auswahl und Zusammenstellung der Beiträge des Themenhefts wird einerseits zu weiteren interessanten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen der Übergänge von der Schule an die Hochschulen angeregt, andererseits sollen die Beispiele aus der Praxis zur Nachahmung oder Modifikation eigener Maßnahmen inspirieren.

    Die Ausgabe ist neben der Online-Version auch wieder als Printpublikation im Buchhandel erhältlich (z. B. unter

  • Ausgabe 9/4 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2014-11-10

    Die neueste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) wurde soeben unter veröffentlicht: Das Sonderheft 9/4 (November 2014) steht unter dem Titel "Transfer von Studienreformprojekten für die Mathematik in der Ingenieurausbildung" und wurde von Herold Dehling (Bochum), Katherine Roegner (Berlin) und Marco Winzker (St. Augustin) betreut. Die Ausgabe versammelt in 14 Beiträgen Erfahrungen, empirische Befunde, Projektkonzepte und Ergebnisse von Evaluationen, die den Austausch sowie Transfer von Problemlösungen und Studienreformen in der Mathematik für Ingenieurwissenschaften zum Ziel haben.

    Die Ausgabe ist neben der Online-Version auch als Printpublikation im Buchhandel erhältlich (z. B. unter

  • Call for Papers für die Sonderausgabe 10/3 der ZFHE

    Posted on 2014-09-25

    Call zum Themenheft 10/3
    "E-Learning-Strategien für Hochschulen"

    Gastherausgeber/innen: Sabine Seufert (Universität St. Gallen), Martin Ebner (Technische Universität Graz), Michael Kopp (Universität Graz), Bettina Schlass (Blackboard & Moodlerooms)
    Erscheinungstermin: Mai 2015

    Deadline zur Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags ist der 12. Januar 2015.

    Details und weitere Informationen finden Sie im Call.

  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 10/2

    Posted on 2014-07-30

    Call zum Themenheft 10/2
    "Entrepreneurship Education in der Hochschule"

    Gastherausgeber/in: Jens Klusmeyer, Tobias Schlömer (Universität Kassel), Michaela Stock (Universität Graz)
    Erscheinungstermin: Juni 2015

    Deadline zur Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags ist der 20. Februar 2015.

    Details und weitere Informationen finden Sie im Call.

  • Aktualisierter Call for Papers für die ZFHE 10/1

    Posted on 2014-06-06

    Call zum Themenheft 10/1
    "Künstlerische Forschung an Hochschulen und Universitäten - zwischen Idee, Skizze und Realisierung"

    Gastherausgeber/innen: Ulf Bästlein (Kunstuniversität Graz), Karen van den Berg (Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen), Doris Carstensen ( Wien), Alexander Damianisch (Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien), Julie Harboe (Hochschule Luzern), Bettina Henkel (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien), Andre Zogholy (Kunstuniversität Linz)
    Erscheinungstermin: März 2015

    Deadline zur Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags ist der 22. Oktober 2014.

    Nähere Details finden Sie im Call auf Deutsch bzw. auf Englisch.

  • Ausgabe 9/3 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2014-04-24

    Die neueste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE 9/3, April 2014) wurde soeben unter veröffentlicht: Das Sonderheft befasst sich mit "Videos in der (Hochschul-)Lehre" und steht im Zusammenhang mit einer Tagung an der Kunstuniversität Graz (24.-25. April 2014), die von der "interuniversitären Initiative für Neue Medien Graz" (iUNIg) organisiert wird.

    Die Ausgabe ist neuerdings auch als Printpublikation erhältlich!

  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 9/5

    Posted on 2014-04-02

    Call zum Themenheft 9/5
    "Übergang Schule - Hochschule"

    Gastherausgeber/innen: Andrea Frank (Universität Bielefeld), Dennis Mocigemba (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Charlotte Zwiauer (Universität Wien)
    Erscheinungstermin: 19. Dezember 2014

    Deadline zur Einreichung vollständiger Beiträge ist der 29. August 2014.

    Nähere Details finden Sie im Call.

  • Ausgabe 9/1 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2014-02-14

    Die neue Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE 9/1, Februar 2014) zum Thema "Mentoring, coaching and counselling of students" - herausgegeben von Richard März (Wien), David Taylor (Liverpool) und Dieter Euler (St. Gallen) - wurde soeben veröffentlicht.
  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 9/4

    Posted on 2014-01-24

    Neuer Call zum Sonderheft 9/4
    "Transfer von Studienreformprojekten für die Mathematik in der Ingenieurausbildung"

    Gastherausgeber/in: Herold Dehling (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Katherine Roegner (Technische Universität Berlin), Marco Winzker (Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg)
    Erscheinungstermin: November 2014

    Deadline zur Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags ist der 16. Juni 2014.

    Alle Details finden Sie im Call
  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 9/3

    Posted on 2013-09-30

    Neuer Call zum Sonderheft 9/3
    "Videos in der (Hochschul-)Lehre"

    Gastherausgeber/innen: Martin Ebner (Technische Universität Graz), Michael Kopp (Universität Graz), Jutta Pauschenwein (FH Joanneum), Manfred Rechberger (Kunstuniversität Graz), Herwig Rehatschek (Medizinische Universität Graz), Martin Teufel (Pädagogische Hochschule Graz)
    Erscheinungstermin: April 2014

    Deadline zur Einreichung des vollständigen Beitrags ist der 18. November 2013.

    Alle Details finden Sie im Call
  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 9/2

    Posted on 2013-08-05

    New Call for the Special Issue 9/2
    "Development of study programmes"

    Guest editors: Karl-Heinz Gerholz (University of Paderborn), Dieter Euler (University of St. Gallen), Peter F. E. Sloane (University of Paderborn)
    Date of Publication: 21 March, 2014

    Deadline for submitting full papers (either in English or German) is November 8th, 2013.

    Further details can be found in the Call (ger.) / Call (en.)
  • Call for Papers for ZFHE 9/1

    Posted on 2013-04-23

    New Call for the Special Issue 9/1
    "Mentoring, coaching and counselling of students"

    Guest Editors: David Taylor (University of Liverpool), Richard Marz (Medical University of Vienna) and Dieter Euler (University St. Gallen)
    Date of Publication: 24 January, 2014

    Deadline for submitting full papers (either in English or German) is September 13th, 2013.

    Further details can be found in the PDF.

  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 8/4

    Posted on 2013-01-28

    Neuer Call zum Themenheft 8/4
    "Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft mit Open Access und Open Educational Resources?"

    Gastherausgeber/in: Martin Ebner (TU Graz), Sandra Schön (Salzburg Research, BIMS e.V.), Lambert Heller (TIB Hannover) und Rudolf Mumenthaler (HTW Chur)
    Erscheinungstermin: November 2013

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines vollständigen Beitrags ist der 1. Juli 2013.

    Details finden Sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.

  • Ausgabe 7/4 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2012-10-19

    Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE 7/4, Oktober 2012) wurde soeben unter veröffentlicht. Die Ausgabe bildet den ersten Teil der beiden Themenhefte zu "Kompetenzen, Kompetenzorientierung und Employability in der Hochschule" (7/4 und 8/1), die von Niclas Schaper (Paderborn), Tobias Schlömer (Oldenburg) und Manuela Paechter (Graz) herausgegeben werden.
  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 8/3

    Posted on 2012-09-17

    Neuer Call zum Themenheft 8/3
    "Was denken Lehrende über Lehre?
    Ihre Lehrauffassung, Lehrhaltung und teaching beliefs

    Gastherausgeber/in: Robert Kordts-Freudinger, Daniel Al-Kabbani, Diana Urban, Tobias Zenker und Niclas Schaper (Universität Paderborn)
    Erscheinungstermin: 21. Juni 2013

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines vollständigen Beitrags ist der 1. März 2013.

    Inhaltliche Details und weitere Information zu den Bedingungen und zum Auswahlverfahren finden sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.

  • Call für die Ausgabe 8/2 der ZFHE

    Posted on 2012-06-02

    Aktualisierter Call zum Themenheft
    "Vertrauen wir auf Qualität? Zwei Jahrzehnte Qualitätssicherung im europäischen Hochschulraum" (ZFHE 8/2)

    Gastherausgeber: Oliver Vettori (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) und Bernhard Kernegger (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien)
    Erscheinungstermin: 22. März 2013

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines vollständigen Beitrags ist der 15. November 2012.

    Details finden Sie in der PDF-Version des Calls
    (English Version).

  • Call für die Ausgabe 7/4 der ZFHE

    Posted on 2012-03-02

    Neu: Call zum Themenheft 7/4
    "Kompetenzen, Kompetenzorientierung und Employability in der Hochschule"

    Gastherausgeber/in: Niclas Schaper (Universität Paderborn), Tobias Schlömer (Universität Oldenburg) und Manuela Paechter (Universität Graz)
    Erscheinungstermin: 19. Oktober 2012

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines vollständigen Beitrags: 6. Juli 2012

    Details und weitere Informationen finden sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.

  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 7/3

    Posted on 2011-12-16

    Aktueller Call zum Themenheft
    "Lernkulturen an Hochschulen"

    Gastherausgeber/in: Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler & Prof. Dr. Taiga Brahm, Universität St. Gallen
    Erscheinungstermin: 18. Juni 2012

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines vollständigen Beitrags: 5. März 2012

    Details und weitere Information zu den Bedingungen und zum Auswahlverfahren finden sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.

  • Ausgabe 6/3 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2011-11-02

    Die neueste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (6/3: Wie kommt das Neue in die Hochschule? - Herausgeber: Tobias Haertel, Ralf Schneider und Johannes Wildt, TU Dortmund) wurde soeben unter veröffentlicht.

  • Call for Papers für die ZFHE 7/2

    Posted on 2011-09-30

    Aktueller Call zum Themenheft
    "F&E an europäischen Fachhochschulen:
    Entwicklung, Positionierung, Organisation"

    Gastherausgeber: Dietmar Paier, FHWien-Studiengänge der WKW
    Erscheinungstermin: 23. März 2012

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines vollständigen Beitrags: 13. Jänner 2012

    Details und weitere Information zu den Bedingungen und zum Auswahlverfahren finden sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.

  • Ausgabe 6/2 der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung veröffentlicht

    Posted on 2011-08-10

    Die neueste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (6/2: Wer sind "die Studierenden" in der "Bologna-Ära"?, Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Erwin Wagner, Universität Hildesheim) wurde kürzlich unter veröffentlicht. Wir laden Sie ein, sich die breit gestreuten und abwechslungsreichen Inhalte des Heftes zu vergegenwärtigen, die sich mit den vielfältigen Aspekten des Themenbereichs auseinandersetzen:

    • Studierende in Bologna-Kontexten: Lagen, Motive, Bedingungen, Beanspruchungen
    • Reaktionsmuster von Lehre und Studienorganisation
    • Studium und Beruf: eine komplexe Verknüpfung in neuen Perspektiven
    • Studierende mischen mit und sich ein

    Wir wünschen eine anregende und bereichernde Lektüre!

  • Call for Papers ZFHE 6/4

    Posted on 2011-07-15

    Aktueller Call zum Themenheft
    "Zusammenarbeit in der Hochschule: Lernräume, Bauten und Campusplanung"

    Gastherausgeber/in: Gerhard Schmitt und Antje Kunze, ETH Zürich
    Erscheinungstermin: 16. Dezember 2011

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines vollständigen Beitrags: 16. September 2011

    Details und weitere Information zu den Bedingungen und zum Auswahlverfahren finden sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.

  • Call for Papers ZFHE 6/3

    Posted on 2011-05-08

    Aktueller Call zum Themenheft
    "Wie kommt das Neue in die Hochschule?"

    Gastherausgeber: Tobias Haertel, Ralf Schneider und Johannes Wildt, TU Dortmund
    Erscheinungstermin: 21. Oktober 2011

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines Abstracts: 15. Juni 2011

    Details und weitere Information zu den Bedingungen und zum Auswahlverfahren finden sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.

  • Call for Papers ZFHE 6/2

    Posted on 2011-02-15

    Aktueller Call zum Themenheft
    Wer sind "die Studierenden" in der "Bologna-Ära"?

    Gastherausgeber: Prof. Dr. Erwin Wagner
    Erscheinungstermin: 29. Juni 2011

    Deadline zur Einreichung eines Abstracts: 11. März 2011

    Details und weitere Information zu den Bedingungen und zum Auswahlverfahren finden sie in der PDF-Version des Calls.