The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 17/3 (October 2022) on " Akademische Kultur und Wissenschaftsfreiheit angesichts der Digitalisierung von Lehren und Lernen", edited by Ines Langemeyer, Ernst Schraube & Peter Tremp.


About the issue:

University learning and teaching, conversations during study, artificial intelligence, plagiarism, and academic freedom are questions under which the contributions of this special issue address the transformations of academic culture in the face of digitalization. What is in transformation, however, has not stopped to be in transformation. In constructivist terms, the authors take the chance of a second-order observation. Whether we are only in a transitory stage or have already reached another stage of development, depends also on the awareness with which we engage in the processes of digitalization. The volume presents ideas how to rethink the challenges of the future from new angles and contributes to the scientific examination of ad hoc digitalization during the pandemic

In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit