A new issue of the Journal for Higher Education Development has been published. As an open-topic edition, issue 17/2 (June 2022), titled "Contributions to Higher Education Development", is edited by René Krempkow, Elena Wilhelm and Olaf Zawacki-Richter.

About the issue:

This issue consists entirely of free contributions resulting from an open call for papers. This is a first for the ZFHE and was enabled by the significant increase in submissions for free papers in recent years. The 15 articles can nevertheless be roughly divided into three thematic clusters, according to which the issue is structured: "Individualisation, competence orientation and new forms of teaching and learning", "Social and academic inclusion" and "Staff qualification and development". With such a thematic breadth, we are optimistic that every reader will find something of personal interest. We wish you an inspiring read and a relaxing summer!

In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit https://www.zfhe.at/index.php/zfhe/print.