Additional information


Publisher, Organization

The ZFHE has been published since 2009 by the Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria.


On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)


Additional support

The ZFHE networks with the following professional and institutional networks that deal with higher education development in the fields of learning and teaching:



Journal history

The ZFHE grew out of the Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik (ZFHD), which was founded in 1978 by the ÖGHD (Austrian Society for Higher Education Didactics) as a print medium and was converted to a pure online magazine in 2004. In early 2006, the magazine was renamed in order to adequately account for the development of the magazine’s thematic spectrum during the last ten years from pure higher education didactics to the significantly wider field of higher education development. In 2009, the editorship switched from the ÖGHD to the Verein Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austra.


About this publishing system

This journal uses Open Journal Systems, an open-source journal and publication management software. It is developed, documented and distributed free of charge under the GNU General Public License by the Public Knowledge Project.