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Since winter semester 2014-15, students in teacher training in Paderborn, as elsewhere in Nordrheinwestfalen (NRW), have had to do their second M.Ed. semester at a school - the "student teacher semester". Although this new element was planned well in advance, the implementation has required new work for everyone involved. General regulations are not easily put into practice. Several aspects were not considered before, and the cooperation between the institutions involved has to be coordinated. This article offers the university perspective on the "new" student teacher semester in Paderborn from the point of view of the internship semester consortium, which is the part of the institute of educational sciences that is responsible for the educational studies of the university portion of the student teacher semester.

29.01.2016 | Claudia Gehle, Stephan Rechel & Christoph Wiethoff (Paderborn)

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