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Student participation is particularly important at the eLearning department of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). Students have been integrated in the campus-wide e-learning department since it was founded in 2005. They provide extraordinary support to the e-learning team in terms of the origanisation and execution of e-learning projects. The participation of students brings innovation due to the "students' point of view on technology-aided teaching". Furthermore, the advisory dialogue between students and lecturers is demand-oriented and low-threshold. In addition to a variety of other measures, this method has proven to be optimal for implementing technology-based teaching at the University in Bochum. Since the consumers, who are also the beneficiaries of e-learning products, are involved in various aspects of e-learning content generation, they are far more accepting of these concepts.

27.04.2015 | Anika Kneiphoff & Holger Hansen (Bochum)

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