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In October of 2003, new German Medical Licensing Regulations (ÄAppO) took effect. Knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes have to be mediated in 22 clinical areas, 12 integrated subject areas, and 5 practical modules. Already in 1998, the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University had initiated the development of a new curriculum, later named HeiCuMed (Heidelberg Curriculum Medical), which placed strong emphasis on the practical aspects of medicine. Planning and organization of HeiCuMed was done in cooperation with other universities and institutions. This article describes the implementation of the new German Medical Licensing Regulations (AAppO) in HeiCuMed. The manner in which published principles of successful curriculum reform were taken into account in the HeiCuMed reform is also discussed.

09.12.2008 | Sören Huwendiek, M. Kadmon, J. Jünger, M. Kirschfink, H.M. Bosse & F. Resch

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