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Even before the Bologna Accords, the science of university teaching methods was focused on the question of how students could be trained in decision-making and taking on responsibility for their future working life. To this end, studies have to be far more than the simple imparting of knowledge. This means specific learning situations have to be provided in order to force students to question their familar assumptions and deal with unfamiliar perspectives. Although this may confuse them, it may also simultaneously give them the training they need to deal independently with questions and problems in a solution-oriented way. The concept of “Leuphana College – Interdisciplinary Studies in Cooperation with Companies” takes these requirements into account by offering practice-oriented projects, in which students apply know-how to a specific learning situation.

21.03.2014 | Karina Hellmann, Mareike Teigeler & Andreas Seifert (Lüneburg)

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