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Writing has positive effects on the examination and acquisition of learning content (an overview is given in TYNJÄLÄ, MASON & LONKA, 2001; BANGERT- DROWNS, HURLEY & WILKONSON, 2004). In university education, learning through writing offers a promising way to support students in gaining knowledge and understanding within a self-regulatory framework (see for example NÜCKLES, HÜBNER & RENKL, 2009) and thereby fulfils the demand for more student self-regulation and self-responsibility in the learning process (GERHOLZ, 2012). This article presents a seminar concept in which writing is integrated as an instrument of reflection and knowledge generation. One aim was to implement cooperative writing tasks, which were part of a portfolio, in order to (further) develop the ability of student teachers in the Masters of Education programme to systematically and theoretically reflect on their own ideas about teaching and learning.

23.01.2013 | Elisabeth Paus & Regina Jucks (Münster)

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