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The new veterinary curriculum and the introduction of the “practical year” at the University for Veterinary Medicine in Hannover required a bipartite clinical examination. A combination of written and oral examination was established. The current study compares experiences with different formats of tests regarding efficiency and quality factors: oral, paper-based written and electronic assessment. In addition students and teachers were interviewed. The use of e-assessment raised efficiency and quality. The acceptance by students was good but the teachers remained cautious. For further improvement of quality faculty development in the field of test- and item generation and the development of additional items is necessary. In summary, this study proves that electronic assessment is feasible in clinical examinations.

31.01.2010 | Jan P. Ehlers, Torsten Carl, Karl-Heinz Windt, Daniel Möbs, Jürgen Rehage & Andrea Tipold (Hannover / Bergisch Gladbach)

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