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This article describes the construction of a new university from the initial concept and the establishment, through the approval stage, the architectural competition and the subsequent planning stage, and all the way to the realization. The aim is an approach that integrates holistic and economical planning without losing sight of the idea of an interdisciplinary, communicative and lively university. Since the University did not have any qualified personnel in the fields of construction and operation, all planning processes had to be carried out by external planners. In the construction phase, it was important to develop contents, structures and organizational forms, as well as to recruit suitable personnel, future users, professors, students and administrative staff. Thus, it was necessary to anticipate utilization and construction requirements, and a flexible arrangement had to be conceived in advance that would allow for future developments. This progress report can therefore function as a model for a holistic university and construction planning.

13.01.2012 | Karl-Heinz Sandknop (Hamm-Lippstadt)

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