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To investigate self-regulated learning, we analyzed self-monitoring protocols from 157 university students. The results indicate that students preferred to use rehearsal strategies to prepare for exams, although comprehension-oriented strategies enhanced learning outcomes. We were able to use the data obtained from the self-monitoring protocols to represent learning progressions and to investigate relationships between variables such as learning strategies, stress and learning outcomes. In a second experimental study of 23 students, self-monitoring protocols were used to improve self-monitoring in terms of procrastination. A daily journal was used to show the participants the extent and effects of their procrastination, which then helped to improve both learning goals and outcomes. The conclusion is that self-monitoring protocols are useful for diagnosing and improving self-regulated learning.

02.11.2011 | Kristin Schmidt, Anne Allgaier, Andreas Lachner, Björn Stucke, Sabine Rey, Cornelius Frömmel, Siegfried Fink & Matthias Nückles (Freiburg)

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