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Due to the Bologna process, universities are being challenged to develop a teaching and evaluation culture based on the concept of competency and to encourage self-organised learning. In this context, a portfolio can be used as a didactical intervention at the university level to contribute to individual learning processes. This paper deals with the development, implementation, and evaluation of a “Technique of scientific working” portfolio, which has been integrated in the first semester of the “Instruction and mentoring in health occupations” Bachelor of Arts programme at the University of Applied Science of Bielefeld, Germany. Positive effects of utilizing the portfolio were identified in the areas of learning and time management, as well as with regard to enhancing the students’ self-reflection skills. The implementation of the portfolio during the first weeks of the semester and the integration of the portfolio into both the course concept and the tutorials were particularly useful.

02.11.2011 | Simone Rechenbach, Renate von der Heyden, Wolf-Dieter Lettau, Annette Nauerth & Ursula Walkenhorst (Bielefeld)

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