The latest issue of the Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (Journal for Higher Education Development / ZFHE) was just published: Issue 18/Special Issue Higher Education (April 2023) on "Digitalisierung der Hochschullehre – Projekte österreichischer Hochschulen 2020–2024", edited by Martin Ebner & Charlotte Zwiauer.


About the issue:

As part of the Austria-wide call for "Projects for digital and social transformation in higher education" of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), a total of 50 million euros in funding was awarded in 2020 for in summary 34 projects. Funding is provided for forward-looking cooperative projects that aim to have a structurally transformative effect on Higher Education within their duration until 2024. This edition now offers the projects from the field of Higher Education the opportunity to make their project results and experiences accessible to a broad audience. In addition, it presents the extent to which the respective project contributes to the digital and social transformation of Austrian higher education and thus creates added value for the Austrian higher education landscape.

In addition to the online version, the issue will also be available in bookshops as a print publication. For more information, visit